Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Brother's Keeper (Program)

The genealogy progam I have used since I bought my first computer has been Brother's Keeper. This program gets better all the time. I find it simple to use, you can put pictures in it, and you can view or print many different reports using the information you plug into it.
You can also save files in a .ged format to share with other people.
I have a copy on my laptop and my home computer. When I visit a library, all the information I need is at my fingertips. I only update the home computer to keep from making transfer mistakes. I then backup the files on the home computer and transfer to the laptop using my thumb drive.
The best thing about Brother's Keeper, is that you can download and try a copy on your computer for free. Go here . If you decide you like it, you can buy the registered version and get the instruction book. Give it a try, you have nothing to lose.

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